I am sure a number of you are aware of the Great Plains Growers Conference in Missouri. Fruit and vegetable growers from across Missouri and the
Midwest should make plans to attend the Great Plains Growers Conference and
Trade Show on January 5th, 6th and 7th, 2012,
at the Fulkerson Center on the Missouri Western State University campus, St.
Joseph, Missouri.
The conference will cover many topics including: fruit and vegetable production, beginning and
advanced organic, high tunnel operation, community supported agriculture,
agritourism, beekeeping, food safety, farmers market, urban/community
gardening, marketing and cut flowers. The
conference also features a trade show with dealers in equipment, tools, seed,
chemicals, containers and other horticulture supplies. With all the conference
has to offer it is one of the most comprehensive vegetable conferences in the
Midwest. A program and registration form is on the web: http://www.greatplainsgrowers.org or call the Buchanan County Extension office
(816) 279-1691. Pre-registration is open
until December 23rd 2011